For some people, it’s an interesting piece of history but probably for most a truly boring book. That’s what I thought for most of my life. How could anyone read this book in its entirety? Then one day I came across this video of Genesis on youtube. It was the most interesting commentary on the bible I have ever heard. Not only was I learning the history but also the culture of the time it was written. It’s just so amazing. Maybe you are searching also and my share might help you.

The speaker is Tom Bradford from the Seeds of Abraham Ministry in Florida. The Ministry is not of a particular domination, it does not work off doctrines. The idea is to learn the Bible as it was written from a Hebraic culture setting of that time.  There are no hidden agendas or doctrines. People from all different faiths attend these lessons. They are Lessons to better understand the true interpretation of the bible. It is up to the individual as to what they believe or take from each lesson.

I started at the beginning with the book of Genesis. It took some time but you can go at your own pace because it’s completely free. They offer videos, MP3s, and text. I watch the videos. I have learned so much.

This isn’t a sales pitch or a gimmick. I am sharing with you a place where I learned a wealth of information. It has brought me closer to God and has given me a much clearer understanding of my purpose on this earth.

Jehovah our God is one and we are to love Jehovah our god with all our heart. We are to let others know the good news of Jesus Christ who through him we can have an everlasting life.

I have learned from listening or watching the lessons there are things we are to do with our time on this earth.

“This website and this blog is my way of passing along the good news I have learned and to help others in finding their path and purpose..”

If you have ever been interested or really wondered what the bible is about or what its purpose and meaning are. If you want to learn more about what it speaks of and why we should read it, this is a good place to start…

This is what the Seed of Abraham has to say:

Torah Class is an exciting, cutting-edge, FREE online Bible study website where you can rediscover the Bible in all its richness and truth. It is a balanced teaching that highlights both God’s grace and our obedience to His commandments. We teach from a Hebraic, original-language, and cultural perspective, offering lessons on the Torah (Genesis through Deuteronomy) as well as many other books of the Bible from both the Old and New Testaments. We allow the Scriptures to speak for themselves and diligently avoid predetermined doctrinal biases.

You have nothing to lose but everything to gain by just listening to the 1st couple of lessons. I know it changed my path to understanding.

Peace Be With You

Categories: Bible Talk


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